They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well I ran across this picture from this past Christmas. I knew I had gained weight last year but I didn't realize how much until I saw this picture. You may or may not no my struggles or know my story right now. But last year was a very hard trying year... I react to stressful situations by eating. I've always been that way. We moved into a new house on my birthday may 17th last year. From that day to September I gained 20 pounds... The entire 20 pounds I had worked so hard to lose. I didn't try to do this but in the blink of an eye it happened. Fighting depression is not a joke.. It's real. Luckily I was still an avid Advocare user bc I probably would have gained even more had I not been using their amazing products.. In September I finally got fed up. I couldn't fit into ANY of my clothes. I tried so hard to get back into running and working out but nothing sparked my motivation. I joined #versus September 30th of 2014.. I could barely run 400 meters.. That's 1/4th a mile. ( I love to run and have ran 2 half marathons to keep in mind) and the first class almost killed me. It was just the motivation I needed. I lost a few pounds the first few months but it was up and down. January came and I participated in the #allin 24 day challenge and did the #iamversus challenge. I lost 10 pounds that month and everything finally started falling into place. It was a struggle and a fight to change my mindset and to make healthier choices. Fast forward to now I have lost over 25 pounds and my size 10 pants are loose. I look back and realize how defeated I felt because my weight has always been a struggle. I weigh now less than I did pre pregnancy and determined to continue striving to stay healthy. I can run 4 400m laps in a row no stopping and can do real push-ups! Versus has pushed me beyond my physical limits and I'm thankful for awesome coaches! Advocare has forever changed my life and teaches me the importance of fueling our bodies. Struggles are real and everyone has different kinds. Just know that God created us to live a healthy life and to take care of ourselves. With him you can overcome anything and any obstacle. Don't give up and surround yourself with those that lift you up! Thankful for my #versus and #advoamily. #transformationtuesday
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